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Student Registration

Welcome to the Harborfields Central School District. Prior to registering, here is a Student Registration Document Checklist of all the important documents and information you will need during the registration process.

Families who are homeless have certain rights under Federal Law. McKinney-Vento Questionnaire:

Housing Questionnaire

If you have any questions or are unable to complete the registration online please contact Pauline Tully at 631-754-5320 ext: 6328.

You can access our Infinite Campus registration site to register your child by using the following link:

Registration Link - This link is for the CURRENT school year ONLY! Please only use this link if you are registering a student for the 2024-2025 school year. Incoming Kindergarten parents: Please do not use this link! 

After all forms and supporting documents are submitted electronically and reviewed, you will receive a scheduled date to provide the original documents you uploaded. This appointment is in person.

Please be reminded that even if you have older children attending school in the district, you still must register and complete all the information for your new student in its entirety, current proof of residency must be included.

Kindergarten Registration

In order to register for kindergarten in the Harborfields Central School District, a child must be five years of age on or before December 1 of the school year for which being registered. Please see the document check list for all materials needed to register.

Kindergarten registration is in person, to make an appointment please contact Pauline Tully at 631-754-5320 ext: 6328.